KAUST Global Employee Pension Plan
Your Plan's Rules

The KAUST Global Employee Pension Plan is designed to help you meet your financial needs during your retirement years. It helps you build a source of income for retirement in addition to the KAUST Global Employee Savings Plan and your own savings.

When you begin participating, an account is established in your name. At the end of each month, your account is automatically credited with a percentage of your Benefit Base Salary determined by your years of service with KAUST.

This material has been designed to give you a general description of the main features of the KAUST Global Employee Pension Plan. For more information, refer to the Summary Plan Description.

Ready to join?
Complete and return the Pension Plan Beneficiary form.

Log on to your account
You will need your Account Number and PIN provided by KAUST Human Resources.
Log On
Contact Us
You can contact the KAUST Human Resources Department at [email protected]